Black Rock Coffee Bar is a growing company that seeks to connect better with their customers to further grow business
Their current website lacks vital information to meet customers (both new and old) needs and answer their questions. Through their current site, the lack of information can serve as a deterrent for visiting the business due to the lack of meeting desired connections.
Surveyed users who would frequent Black Rock Coffee Bar to determine the features/changes they would like to see from BR. With these perceived pain points, creating a way to retain the look and feel of the brand while also answering the needs of the customers
A new design was created that keeps the original design language and theme of the BR website but includes information to better serve the customers of the site. Though not implemented into their actual site, this project demonstrates the simple changes that can be done to greatly improve the quality of life with their website in order to create a great environment for customers outside the 4 walls of their brick-and-mortar locations.